Background 4.27.11

Sunday, April 26, 2009

eight things.

Kristin tagged me to do this cute little list thing, so here are my answers:

8 Things I am Looking Forward to:
1. Jesse coming home in August!
2. Summer!
3. Being done with all but two of my grad classes by the end of the summer!
4. Joining the YMCA and working out occasionally!
5. Painting Adelle's room this summer!
6. Getting a pet!
7. Putting an addition onto the house someday so we have more space!
8. Having another baby someday!

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Put in some stone edging around a (soon-to-be) flower bed in front of the porch
2. Played on the swings at the park
3. Ate a cheeseburger
4. Laughed with Delle
5. Put a Band-Aid on my daughter's blister
6. Unexpectedly got to visit with my brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and niece Mariah
7. Hung out with Mikki and Brooklyn in the sunshine
8. Wrote a letter to Jesse...

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Hug Jesse right now or at least before August
2. Actually finish up my grad school project instead of procrastinate
3. Be more patient with my students and my daughter
4. Be more productive in general
5. Keep my house tidier so I'm not embarrassed when people drop by lol
6. Spend more time with friends that I rarely get to see
7. Study in a Spanish-speaking country
8. Get more sleep

8 Shows I Enjoy:
1. The Office!
2. American Idol
3. Fringe
4. Gilmore Girls
5. Seinfeld
6. Family Guy
7. SNL
8. Clean House

I'm not tagging 8 people because I don't know 8 people with blogs lol. And the ones that I do know who have blogs were already tagged. :) If you read this and own a blog, consider yourself tagged!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

countdown to a hug.

I just realized after posting a comment on someone else's blog that the profile picture that I've got on here is over a year I decided to remedy that. I love that picture of it makes me think of Jesse because that's his hat with all of his Army mumb0-jumbo embroidered on know, C Co, 2-112th, etc...haha. Apparently he didn't need a winter hat in the desert...go figure. ;)

I got to talk to my husband on Easter, which was really nice. Even nicer was the surprise that I got that day...finding out that Jess will be coming home a month before I expected. Hopefully I don't bore anyone with specifics, but apparently they have to take a 30-day "leave" before the end of their one-year tour of duty...before we thought that he was going to have a 30 days of paid "leave" once he returned home in at the end of his tour of duty in September. Anyway, that's the word on the street for now...but as I've learned throughout the past few months of being and Army wife, nothing in the Army is ever real until it actually happens because everything's constantly changing! So while I don't want to get my hopes up too high in case something changes.........I'm WICKED EXCITED that I will get to see Jesse in August, especially since that means that we'll get to share our wedding anniversary together!

According to a virtual countdown clock I just googled, that's 124 days away. Yes, it's still like four months away...but it feels SO much better to know it's a month less than I was preparing myself for. :) At the same time, it's hard to be patient and to realize that we have been apart so long and that there is still so much to go...but we'll get there eventually. I have quite the busy summer planned (three grad classes, short roadtrip/concert with my best friend, family vacation at a state park, and all the stuff Adelle has planned for us to do too...Pittsburgh Zoo, Erie Zoo, swimming, Idlewild, etc....oh, and she wants to go to the Okefenokee Swamp which we read about in one of her books lol), so that should help.

This year, I'm not counting down the days until the end of school...I'm counting down the days until I get a hug from my husband. <3